Tag Archives: New Job

First Week

Well this week was my first week at my new job. Its gone rather fast (unsprisingly) but the good news is that I have already charged my first day to a customer and am booked solid for the next 4 weeks! The people are fun and the work’s going to be hard but rewarding and I’m being pushed out of my comfort zone which is awesome.

The commute’s a real killer though as the office is in Clapham, so it takes about 2.5-3hrs to get to or from work not to mention the SouthWest extonsionists they call a train company charging me £54 a day to do it! Fortunately, Lucia’s mum lives in Battersea, so I’m staying with her when I have to be in London and that is £3 and 20 minuts from the office by bus. The only downside of that is that I don’t get to see my girlies during the week and what with Olivia taking her first steps at the moment, I’m a bit down… Still, its only for a month or two.

After all sorts of depressing failures to sell our house, we’ve decided to rent it out and move up to Kent anyway, so if anyone knows anyone in Southampton who wants to rent an end of terrace 3 bed house in imaculate condition for 6-12 months at £1100/month, please let me know.